Shillong Teer Formula

If you are resident of Meghalaya and participating in Teer game then you must know about Teer Formula otherwise you will lose thousands of money by participating in this game every day.

Shillong Teer FormulaThis Teer Formula applies to all different Teer games. Whether it is shillong teer, or Khanapara Teer, Juwai Teer, or whatever it is, besides this, if you want to register your name in the winning list, the other thing that you need to keep in mind is that the first number is Fllow  Shillong Teer Common Number, and the second number is Shillong Night Teer Previous Result,  and the third latest Teer Dream Number, brother if you follow these few things then no one can remove your name from the winning list.

Table of Contents

Shillong Teer Formula

See what we are talking about is teer formula, means look at calculation everything has a number or calculation if you want to calculate it based on number we all know teer has a value that value is say here mainly 0,1,2, 3,4 digits and each of these digits has value.

Shillong Teer Formula


Let’s discuss in a little more detail if we are going to extract the value of any number and expand that number
For example the number is 75, and the value of 75 is 20 or 02 etc. When I say group I mean all possible values of a number. There are 16 groups in the tier as mentioned below: 

00=> 00,05,50,55
01 => 01,10,15,51,56,65,60,06
02 => 02,20,25,52,75,57,70,07
03 => 03,30,35,53,58,85,80,08
04 => 04,40,45,54,59,95,90,09
10 => 10,01,51,15,56,65,60,06
11 => 11,16,61,66
12=> 12,21,26,62,67,76,17,71
13 => 13,31,18,81,36,63,86,68
14=> 14,41,19,91,69,96,64,46
22=> 22,27,72,77
23=> 23,32,28,82,73,37,78,87
24=> 24,42,47,74,29,92,97,79
33=> 33,38,83,88
34 => 34,43,39,93,84,48,89,98
44 => 44,49,94,99

Daily Teer Formula

Similar to Teer Group, we can categories every number to a point by adding the two digits. For example number 45 = 4+5 =>9, here 9 is called point. let me write down the points for further reference in Teer

0=> 00

1=> 01,10

2=> 02,20,11

3=> 03,30,12,21

4=> 04,40,13,31,22

5=> 05,50,14,41,23,32

6=> 06,60,15,51,24,42,33

7=> 16,61,25,52,34,43,07,70

8=> 08,80,17,71,26,62,35,53,44

9=> 90,09,18,81,27,72,36,63,45,54

10=> 55,46,64,37,73,28,82,19,91

11=> 56,65,47,74,38,83,29,92

12=> 66,57,75,48,84,39,93

13=> 58,85,67,76,49,94

14=> 77,86,68,95,59

15=> 96,69,78,87

16=> 97.79,88

17=> 98,89

18=> 99

TEER doesn’t have any MAKING NUMBERS. TEER NUMBERS are based on mathematical FORMULA.You can find tips and idea about the Teer Number Formula at our website. We use to keep updated Teer Formula on regular Basis.

Teer Formula Chart

Teer Formula is based on Previous day’s Teer Result.
For example yesterday’s result was:


Now you take a paper and write it like: A B – X Y

Formula 1

Now calculate like:
1) A + Y & X – B
You will get 1 number.
2) Y – X & Y – B/A or Y + B/A
You will get one number.
This way you have to calculate plus & minus for all A, B, X, Y.

Mind that sometime your plus can’t cross 9. Means you can’t plus 8 with 3, or 5 with 7. In that case, you will have take thye value of one digit.

Keep playing. We will keep updating more on Teer Formula.

What is Teer Formula?

Teer equations are significant very much like “Teer dream number” for any Teer player to figure out numbers for the afternoon, for the week ( additionally called Booking number) or for the month ( additionally called Booking number). We will drill down every one of the equations here with the goal that it can assist you with distinguishing numbers for the afternoon/week/month. I (TheTeer) am playing Teer from most recent long term and I will share every one of my discoveries in regards to.

I consider teer as a numerical game and this is the explanation I dive into the equation, I can guarantee you that there will be not many formulae which will entrance you and the recipes that I will rattle off here will be back-tried (I have tried these formulae in past outcomes and 90% is the achievement proportion). We unequivocally demand you to test any equation with past outcomes and play just when you are sure. We don’t ensure the outcome of any equation and thus play in spite of copious advice to the contrary, my idea not to play huge sum in teer and it can lead you to Bet.

With saying so let me rattle off a couple of formulae for you, and here it goes :

1) Pick any day result and grow every one of the numbers by utilizing Gatherings and Focuses, out of these numbers will be in outcome no less than 1 time in something like 7 days (playing days, 6 days in seven days is by and large playing day) and somewhere twice in 14 days or less.

Example: 09th Feb 2023, result was: 60-48

Conclusion :- Hope what we have learned today through this post will be very helpful for you as if you are participating in this game every day and you have no idea about Shillong Teer Formula, then it is very harmful for you because it will help you to participate in this game. In case of winning. Also if you have any query you can comment us your question or your request

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